In all these senses, He is a king, but He is so different from all human kings. Thus it is true that He is a king in this special sense. The word king is used because it conveys a concept that we can understand and is useful to give us some idea of God.

In all these senses, He is a king, but He is so different from all human kings. Thus it is true that He is a king in this special sense. The word king is used because it conveys a concept that we can understand and is useful to give us some idea of God. More »

It is surely natural for the human body to bear some molecular similarities to other living beings, because they all are made up of the same molecules, they all use the same water and atmosphere, and they all consume foods consisting of the same molecules. Certainly, their metabolisms, and therefore their genetic make-ups, would resemble one another.

It is surely natural for the human body to bear some molecular similarities to other living beings, because they all are made up of the same molecules, they all use the same water and atmosphere, and they all consume foods consisting of the same molecules. Certainly, their metabolisms, and therefore their genetic make-ups, would resemble one another.

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Scientology can only be considered a pseudo-religion and as such, it is of no appeal to anyone who is seeking God and the eternal life of happiness He has prepared for His righteous servants in the Hereafter.

Scientology can only be considered a pseudo-religion and as such, it is of no appeal to anyone who is seeking God and the eternal life of happiness He has prepared for His righteous servants in the Hereafter.

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One of the purposes of acquiring knowledge is to gain the good of this world, not to destroy it through wastage, arrogance and in the reckless pursuit of higher standards of material comfort. Another purpose of knowledge is to spread freedom and dignity, truth and justice. It is not to gain power and dominance for its own sake.

One of the purposes of acquiring knowledge is to gain the good of this world, not to destroy it through wastage, arrogance and in the reckless pursuit of higher standards of material comfort. Another purpose of knowledge is to spread freedom and dignity, truth and justice. It is not to gain power and dominance for its own sake.

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  • In business administration, it is well known that if one does not have his or her own plan, he or she will be part of others' plans. A real human being who has sound reasoning never accepts to be a marionette in the hands of others.

    In business administration, it is well known that if one does not have his or her own plan, he or she will be part of others' plans. A real human being who has sound reasoning never accepts to be a marionette in the hands of others.

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  • In all languages of the world, with all their similarities and discrepancies, it is a “disturbing” fact that the year has passed so soon. For me, no rhetoric whatever or any degree of euphemism in any language is capable of reducing the “negative” connotations of that statement. Yes, this is a sad fact because it simply means that the life of every human being has lost another precious year towards the inevitable end of all creatures, death.

    In all languages of the world, with all their similarities and discrepancies, it is a “disturbing” fact that the year has passed so soon. For me, no rhetoric whatever or any degree of euphemism in any language is capable of reducing the “negative” connotations of that statement. Yes, this is a sad fact because it simply means that the life of every human being has lost another precious year towards the inevitable end of all creatures, death.

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  • It is at moments such as these that you begin to realize why God ordained Hajj for us at least once during our lifetime, so that we can truly and practically experience the beauty of selfless brotherhood, and come away with valuable lessons that leave an impact that lasts a lifetime.

    It is at moments such as these that you begin to realize why God ordained Hajj for us at least once during our lifetime, so that we can truly and practically experience the beauty of selfless brotherhood, and come away with valuable lessons that leave an impact that lasts a lifetime.

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  • Which do you think matters most? What could make us happy? Share with us what you think! Let others know what is in your mind regarding this issue. Do not worry, it is free! Just share with us your opinion… What could make us happy? Share with us!

    Which do you think matters most? What could make us happy? Share with us what you think! Let others know what is in your mind regarding this issue. Do not worry, it is free! Just share with us your opinion… What could make us happy? Share with us!

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Abdulrahman, a British atheist converts to Islam. Watch the video to know how he found the truth of Islam.

Abdulrahman, a British atheist converts to Islam. Watch the video to know how he found the truth of Islam.

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Omar Dexter, a young man from UK who reverted to Islam several years ago talks about his journey from atheism to Islam. He admits that he had so many questions about man and life but couldn’t find convincing answers to them anywhere except in Islam.

Omar Dexter, a young man from UK who reverted to Islam several years ago talks about his journey from atheism to Islam. He admits that he had so many questions about man and life but couldn’t find convincing answers to them anywhere except in Islam.

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I started to ask myself some questions. Why am I here? What is the purpose of my life? I investigated Christianity and I started to realize that there is a lot of interpretations of Christianity. I also investigated Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism.

I started to ask myself some questions. Why am I here? What is the purpose of my life? I investigated Christianity and I started to realize that there is a lot of interpretations of Christianity. I also investigated Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism.

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I was a Christian in name only. While I did believe in God, I had not submitted Him as the maker and creator of my destiny. I felt that this was something I was better off handling rather than letting God decide my fate. Being raised in the West and subjected to the influences with which we are constantly bombarded, did not help the situation neither. In a word, you could say that I was living by my own set of rules.

I was a Christian in name only. While I did believe in God, I had not submitted Him as the maker and creator of my destiny. I felt that this was something I was better off handling rather than letting God decide my fate. Being raised in the West and subjected to the influences with which we are constantly bombarded, did not help the situation neither. In a word, you could say that I was living by my own set of rules.

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