What Were the Activities of Prophet Muhammad before Prophethood?

Name of Questioner: Haruna Mudasiru Jabre

Date: 26-10-2016 12:16:53 PM

Consultant: Ask About Islam Editorial Staff


What were the activities of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) before his call to the Prophethood?

Dear questioner, thank you very much for your important question.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) was a normal person and led a normal life before the revelation came to him. The Prophet possessed the main characteristics that are common to all human beings. He felt the same inward inclinations and desires that all young people feel. However, despite the above-mentioned natural inclinations and desires, Allah protected the Prophet from all forms of evil and from anything that was not in harmony with the message for which he was being prepared.

Working as a shepherd

Although being of noble lineage, this does not guarantee financial stability. When the Prophet (peace be upon him) was still young, Abu Talib, his uncle, was going through a financial crisis; he had many mouths to feed, and business wasn't going so well. To help his uncle get through those hard times, the Prophet worked as a shepherd. In an authentic Hadith, the Messenger of Allah said, " Every Prophet that Allah sent herded sheep (at one time or another during his life)." The Companions said, "And even you?" He said, "Yes, I herded them…” (Al-Bukhari)

Working as a shepherd allowed the Prophet to work in peace and quiet, to enjoy the beauty of the desert, and to contemplate the wonders and beauty of Allah's creation. Through his work, a shepherd picks up and develops many wonderful qualities, qualities that the Prophet needed to lead his nation, such as patience, humbleness, bravery, mercy, compassion, love of earning one's living through lawful work and faithfulness.


Abu Talib would often travel to Ash-Sham (Syria and surrounding regions) and elsewhere for business purposes. On one such journey, he took the Prophet along with him; also accompanying them were Makkah's chieftains. Then, Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) heard about the truthfulness and trustworthiness of Muhammad. She proposed that he do business for her in Ash-Sham, promising to give him more than she gave to any other man who did business for her. He agreed and left Makkah in the company of Maysarah, Khadijah’s servant. When Muhammad reached Ash-Sham, he sold the merchandise he had with him, and with the proceeds purchased other merchandise. When all was said and done, he had made a lot of profit for Khadijah and she felt that her wealth was blessed then more so than ever before.

Other than the commission he earned, the Prophet (peace be upon him) benefited greatly from the journey. During these journeys, the Prophet would pass by many lands throughout which Islam was soon to spread; therefore, the knowledge he gained from the journey was certainly of some value to him later on in his life. Also, his trip led to his marriage to Khadijah. Throughout the trip, Maysarah (Khadijah’s slave) witnessed the wonderful character, nobility, and truthfulness of the Prophet. In addition to that, Khadijah experienced hitherto unparalleled blessings in her wealth. The Prophet (peace be upon him) married to Khadijah (peace be upon her) and revelation came to him at the age of 40.


Source: Excerpted with modifications from a book entitled “The Noble Life of Prophet Muhammad” by Dr. Ali As-Sallabi