
After Death, Where Does the Soul Go?

After Death, Where Does the Soul Go?

Sheikh; if a person dies, where does his soul goes?

And the mentally ill people, what God Almighty do to them?

As for the people of Heaven, their souls will be in Heaven.

They are among the believers.

As for the people of Hell, their souls will be in Hell .

as mentioned in Hadith of the Prophet (Peace be upon him),

As for the mentally ill people,

If their parents are believers,

His father or mother is one of the believers, so he is,

Because Children and the Mentally ill People..

Their rule is the rule of their parents,

The believer son born from believers parents,

And the unbeliever child is not a believer in the rulings of this world

as for in Afterlife

as mentioned in correct Hadith That God Almighty examine them,

With the commissioning’s will,

Whoever obeys he will enter Paradise and whoever disobeys will enter Hell.


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