It’s when the entire world fades away, only me and Him in a sea of peace I find ultimate relief, speak not the utterance of tongue, but that of the heart…

It’s when the entire world fades away, only me and Him in a sea of peace I find ultimate relief, speak not the utterance of tongue, but that of the heart… More »

In this Episode, Dr. Muhammad Salah and Dr. Yasir al-Fiqi explain the position of the sitting of the tashahhud, moving the finger while reciting tashahhud, the difference between the sitting of the middle tashahhud and the sitting of the last tashahhud, the du`aa' to be recited after tashahhud, and the dhikr after finishing the prayer.

In this Episode, Dr. Muhammad Salah and Dr. Yasir al-Fiqi explain the position of the sitting of the tashahhud, moving the finger while reciting tashahhud, the difference between the sitting of the middle tashahhud and the sitting of the last tashahhud, the du`aa' to be recited after tashahhud, and the dhikr after finishing the prayer.

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Click here to know the accurate Prayer times for 6 Million Cities Worldwide.

Click here to know the accurate Prayer times for 6 Million Cities Worldwide.

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The Islamic or Hijri calendar is based on a lunar month of 29 to 30 days, with the day starting at sunset. The Islamic year consists of twelve months: (1) Muharram, (2) Safar, (3) Rabi` Awwal, (4) Rabi` Thani, (5) Jumada Awwal, (6) Jumada Thani, (7) Rajab, (8) Sha`ban, (9) Ramadan, (10) Shawwal, (11) Dhul- Qi`dah, (12) Dhul- Hijjah.

The Islamic or Hijri calendar is based on a lunar month of 29 to 30 days, with the day starting at sunset. The Islamic year consists of twelve months: (1) Muharram, (2) Safar, (3) Rabi` Awwal, (4) Rabi` Thani, (5) Jumada Awwal, (6) Jumada Thani, (7) Rajab, (8) Sha`ban, (9) Ramadan, (10) Shawwal, (11) Dhul- Qi`dah, (12) Dhul- Hijjah.

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Click here to know the accurate Prayer times for 6 Million Cities Worldwide.

Click here to know the accurate Prayer times for 6 Million Cities Worldwide.

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