Islam has been the religion of humanity since the beginning of the human history and will be the religion of entire humanity until the Day of Resurrection.

Islam has been the religion of humanity since the beginning of the human history and will be the religion of entire humanity until the Day of Resurrection. More »

The acts of worship have been prescribed for certain goal, which is only attainable through performing the worship in conformity with the commands of the Qur’an and Sunnah.

The acts of worship have been prescribed for certain goal, which is only attainable through performing the worship in conformity with the commands of the Qur’an and Sunnah.

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During Hajj, the pilgrims relive the life of Prophet Ibrahim and his son Prophet Ismail (peace be upon them). Allah was pleased with their sacrifice and so He has destined all Pilgrims to revive certain moments of their life.

During Hajj, the pilgrims relive the life of Prophet Ibrahim and his son Prophet Ismail (peace be upon them). Allah was pleased with their sacrifice and so He has destined all Pilgrims to revive certain moments of their life.

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Hindus are allowed to worship anything, including sexual organs. It is common among them to name their children as Shiva Lingam (God Shiva's sexual organ) or Rama Lingam (God Rama's sexual organ).

Hindus are allowed to worship anything, including sexual organs. It is common among them to name their children as Shiva Lingam (God Shiva's sexual organ) or Rama Lingam (God Rama's sexual organ).

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These prayers are spaced fairly evenly throughout the day, so that one is constantly reminded of Allah and given opportunities to seek His guidance and forgiveness.

These prayers are spaced fairly evenly throughout the day, so that one is constantly reminded of Allah and given opportunities to seek His guidance and forgiveness.

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What is the Quran? What is it about? What is so special about it? How was it revealed?

What is the Quran? What is it about? What is so special about it? How was it revealed?

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The story of the immoral, playboy poet of the pre-Islamic era is not as strange as the story of Gopis with Krishna who is regarded as a god of Hindus.

The story of the immoral, playboy poet of the pre-Islamic era is not as strange as the story of Gopis with Krishna who is regarded as a god of Hindus.

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Marriage in Islam offers tranquility to the soul and peace to the mind, so that man and woman may live together in an atmosphere of love, mercy, harmony, co-operation, mutual advice and tolerance.

Marriage in Islam offers tranquility to the soul and peace to the mind, so that man and woman may live together in an atmosphere of love, mercy, harmony, co-operation, mutual advice and tolerance.

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The purity of Islamic festivals, their elevation, their loftiness and their sanctity indicate that these festivals are not an invention of the human mind.

The purity of Islamic festivals, their elevation, their loftiness and their sanctity indicate that these festivals are not an invention of the human mind.

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By Editorial Staff It is known that most of the nations of the world have their own way to determine the dates and chronicling their events. Islam also has started a special criterion for determining the years, months and days that begin from the year in which the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions emigrated from Makkah […]

By Editorial Staff It is known that most of the nations of the world have their own way to determine the dates and chronicling their events. Islam also has started a special criterion for determining the years, months and days that begin from the year in which the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions emigrated from Makkah […]

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Islam triggered a real revolution against injustice and corruption in all areas of human life; belief, constitution, morality and social affairs.

Islam triggered a real revolution against injustice and corruption in all areas of human life; belief, constitution, morality and social affairs.

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Shankar Acharya Proves Islam through Rigveda It is not permissible for a Muslim to worship anyone other than Allah the Almighty. Gulaothi, (S.N.B) Swami Lakshmi Shankar Acharya verified the truth of Islam by some clear proofs of Rigveda. He came from Lucknow to participate in a conference entitled “Achieving the Justice”. He stated that the idea of Islam and Muslims […]

Shankar Acharya Proves Islam through Rigveda It is not permissible for a Muslim to worship anyone other than Allah the Almighty. Gulaothi, (S.N.B) Swami Lakshmi Shankar Acharya verified the truth of Islam by some clear proofs of Rigveda. He came from Lucknow to participate in a conference entitled “Achieving the Justice”. He stated that the idea of Islam and Muslims […]

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  • Shirk (Polytheism) is the only sin which will never be forgiven. Who has seen Allah Almighty to paint or make images of God?

    Shirk (Polytheism) is the only sin which will never be forgiven. Who has seen Allah Almighty to paint or make images of God?

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  • Translation of a speech by Devanand Sarswti “Ooom nomoh:shivae ….. Ooom nomoh:shivae ….. Ooom nomoh:shivae ….. My regards to the organizers and present guests and religion loving friends of this great event. A person gets the chance to understand the true religion only when he is blessed by God Almighty. For last several years continuously I am coming into Muslim’s […]

    Translation of a speech by Devanand Sarswti “Ooom nomoh:shivae ….. Ooom nomoh:shivae ….. Ooom nomoh:shivae ….. My regards to the organizers and present guests and religion loving friends of this great event. A person gets the chance to understand the true religion only when he is blessed by God Almighty. For last several years continuously I am coming into Muslim’s […]

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  • Translation of a speech by Devanand Sarswti “Ooom nomoh:shivae ….. Ooom nomoh:shivae ….. Ooom nomoh:shivae ….. My regards to the organizers and present guests and religion loving friends of this great event. A person gets the chance to understand the true religion only when he is blessed by God Almighty. For last several years continuously I am coming into Muslim’s […]

    Translation of a speech by Devanand Sarswti “Ooom nomoh:shivae ….. Ooom nomoh:shivae ….. Ooom nomoh:shivae ….. My regards to the organizers and present guests and religion loving friends of this great event. A person gets the chance to understand the true religion only when he is blessed by God Almighty. For last several years continuously I am coming into Muslim’s […]

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  • When the truth is revealed to you and you stand face to face with it, how long can you refuse to accept it? How long would you run away, denying it?

    When the truth is revealed to you and you stand face to face with it, how long can you refuse to accept it? How long would you run away, denying it?

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