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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy

Muslim Women and Morality: The Qur’anic Code

By Dr. Ahmad Al Khalidi

Women and Morality

Al Baz (2007) points out that Islam adopts the principle of protection rather than punishment; so it is not against the inborn instinct. However, Islam regulates the inborn instinct and secures for it a pure atmosphere free from deviant excitement.

Muslim Women and Morality: The Qur’anic Code

Islam aims at building a pure society free from continuous lust agitation.

The Islamic educational method in this case is to narrow down the chance of  temptation; to obstruct the factors of  attraction and to impede the reasons of enticement.

That is to say Islam aims at building a pure society free from continuous lust agitation, so one of the Islamic methods of building up a clean society is to ban such aggravation keeping the deep innate motivation between the two sexes at its natural sound state without factitious excitement.

Ali (1934:1012) added, “the need for modesty is the same in both men and women. But on the account of the differentiation manner of the sexes in nature, temperaments and social life, a greater amount of privacy is required for women than for men, especially in the matter of dress and the uncovering of the bosom.”

And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband’s fathers, their sons, their husbands´ sons, their brothers or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O you Believers! turn you all together towards Allah, that you may attain Bliss. (An-Nur 24:31)

Allah (Exalted be He) addresses His Messenger Mohammad (peace be upon him) through this Qur’anic didactic dialogue to guide the believing Muslim woman to regard the following moral etiquette:

– to lower her gaze, to keep her chastity, to draw her veil on her open neck, bosom and (face); and not to display her beauty and ornaments except to the following people:

a- her husband  b- her father  c- her father in law d -her sons  e-her sons in law f- her brothers g- her nephews h- her women -her slaves ( at time of slavery )  j- her male- servants who are free of their physical needs  k- children who have no sense of  the shame of sex, and not to strike her feet with the aim of drawing the attention to her hidden ornaments. At length, Allah, directly, addresses the believers to repent and turn to Allah so that they may attain success.

Displaying their Beauty & Ornaments

Famous western women warn young women against being involved in the illusive world of light and false fame that lead eventually to personal loss and ruin; at the same time they advise them to be chaste and lead a happy familial life. For instance, to cite Siba`i in `Abd Alqader, (2008:16) who narrates what a well-known old American actress (M.M.) says to warn young women against  joining the world of cinema,

beware all those who deceive you with lights; I prefer home and family life to everything. Woman’s real happiness is in the pure honorable family life; not only this, family life is the symbol of woman’s happiness. All people did wrong me. Working in cinema makes of woman a trifle, cheap article whatever she achieves of glory and false fame. I advise young women not to work in cinema and acting. Their end will be as mine. (suicide)

Young Muslims

Supporting poor young Muslims for getting married is a social obligation. In view of that, Allah enjoins the Muslim community to support both unmarried men and women financially in case they are in need of money to accomplish their marriage with the aim of keeping the Muslim community pure of vice and corruption.

So, poverty should not be an obstacle in front of  those who are qualified and have the desire to get married.

And marry those among you who are single and the pious of your male slaves and female slaves. If they be poor Allah will enrich them out of His bounty. And Allah is All-Sufficient for his creatures’ needs, All-Knowing. (An-Nur 24:32)


Dr. Ahmad Muhammad Al khalidi is Researcher and translator, E L teacher and lecturer, an old member in the presentation to Islam committee.

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