Personal Hygiene between Christianity and Islam (2/2)

Know more about hygiene etiquette including circumcision, dental & oral hygiene, body hair & na ...

The Neglected Value of Greeting

How important is greeting? What moral and social impacts does it have? How do Muslims greet eac ...

Supplication of Prophet Ibrahim

What are the requirement of peace in a city? What is the supplication of Ibrahim for Makkah? ...

Tajweed: Introduction to the Makharij

What is meant by Tajweed? What is meant by Makharij? What is its important? ...

Parents of the People of the Qur’an

What is the reward for parents of those who memorize the Qur’an? ...

Imam Nullifies His Ablution During Prayer: What to Do?

What is the ruling if the leader of prayer is in a state of impurity and the followers do not k ...

Shortening Prayer Whilst Travelling

What is the ruling of shortening prayer whilst travelling? What is the evidence? Is it better t ...

Verbal Intention Before Prayer: Necessary?

What is meant by the intention in prayer? How should one make the intention before prayer? What ...

Offering Sacrifice: Refrain from This

Offering the sacrifice during the `Eid is a divine order from Allah to Muslims. But do you know ...

The Sacrifice: Rulings and Conditions

Who should sacrifice and what are the conditions? What is the time of sacrifice? What should th ...

The Qur’an and Our True Identity as Muslims

What does it mean to be Muslim? Put differently, what does make one worthy of being Muslim? Wha ...

The Attributes of the People of Paradise

Enjoy watching this video to know more about the attributes of the people of paradise and the e ...

The Rise of Islam in Japan

Watch this video to know more about Islam’s striking rise in the East Asian country and how it’ ...

How an Ex-Catholic Converted to Islam

Enjoy watching this video from the Deen Show in which an ex-Catholic relates how he converted t ...

Rights of the Road in Islam

The article reviews the guidelines that protect people’s dignities and block the ways to the pr ...

Biographies of the Imams of Hadith (Special Folder)

The folder at hand provides brief biographies of the compilers of Sahihs and Sunan, including t ...

Purification in Islam and Hinduism (3/4)

When a person is in the state of invisible impurity, his visible body is still pure and does no ...

A Hindu Brother Recites the Qur’an

It is noteworthy that these two prayers are recited by every Muslim frequently before beginning ...

Concept of Gender Equality in Islam (P. 2)

Islam recognizes that while men and women have some physical differences, spiritually they enjo ...

The Last Great Caliph: Abdulhamid II

Throughout Islamic history, one of the uniting aspects of the Muslim world was the caliphate. A ...