Why did this American student choose Islam? What were the mission ingredients in her life and what did she find in Islam? What changes did Islam bring to her life? How does she live up to it?
- Adhan
- alcohol
- American Muslim
- Arab culture
- Baptism
- belief in Allah
- Christian belief
- conversion to Islam
- converts to Islam
- creator of universe
- crucifixion
- Day of Judgment
- Declaration of faith
- doubts about trinity
- editors choice
- family and friends
- featured
- find peace in Islam
- from Catholicism to Islam
- from Christianity to Islam
- God’s messengers
- Islam in America
- Islamic lifestyle
- Islamic way of life
- jesus
- learning about Islam
- meaning in Life
- message to all people
- Mississippian Muslim
- multi-cultural religion
- muslim community
- Muslim student
- Muslim woman
- My journey to islam
- new Muslims experiences
- practicing Muslim
- prayer
- Prophet Muhammad
- reading quran
- religion of peace
- religious person
- search for God
- search for truth
- Shahadah
- submission to the Creator
- Submit to God
- teachings of Islam
- testimony of faith
- the one God
- troubled life
- true religion of God
- usa
- wearing hijab
- what Islam means
- why I became Muslim
- why i chose islam
- worship God
- worship god alone