Why do human beings believe in God? This question has engrossed thinkers for centuries. Why ...
We must each muster our inner strength and resolve not to heed the demands of our misgivings ...
Allah’s divine love for man is manifested by His divine protection, help, victory, success, ...
The Qur’an does not say that the material or physical development of a country is determined ...
All Muslims accept that God is al-Kareem (The Most Generous). Muslims learned in madrasa tha ...
In stockpiling his arguments, Aczel quotes from his interviews with dozens of leading scient ...
Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Do not over-praise me as the Chris ...
While on the bus, I thought of the many heroes who have been exceptional examples in terms o ...
Humankind, in general, has maintained a belief in the existence of the Creator of the Univer ...
The Israa’ and Mi`raj is a momentous occasion that occurred at a very crucial stage in the l ...
You are a creation of God who revealed for you guideline and instruction in the form of reli ...
Though most of the Arabian Peninsula was witnessing poor security conditions, the blessednes ...
The Muslim woman was given — more than 1,400 years ago — a role, duties, and rights that mos ...
Across time the women were ill-treated and were not given their due rights. But then due to ...
“Allah” is comprised of letters and sounds that are easy for everyone to pronounce. They are ...
The name As-Samad has many aspects to its meaning. It refers to one who is Lord, who possess ...
The life of a Muslim in Germany is quite difficult than one would think especially for me as ...
I began to look again closely at the beauty of Islam, the science of Islam, and the life of ...
However, there are many signs in this universe that may need an adequate explanation. All fa ...
This is the sum of what we wish to mention and what we wish to raise our voices about. The m ...