Prophethood: The Perception of Realities

Prophethood: The Perception of Realities


Just as the Qur’an is believed to be the revealed Word of Allah without any reservations, similarly, the Prophethood of Muhammad is also beyond any doubt. These two facts have to be taken as granted, otherwise, there cannot be a rational and sound interpretation of the concepts of Halal and Haram (lawful and unlawful), Wajibat and Manhiyyat (obligations and prohibitions), Athab and Thawab (penalty and reward).

Maintaining Discipline in Worship

Maintaining Discipline in Worship


His wife noticed a great change in his demeanor. They had several discussions about his work and how it was affecting him and his relationship with Allah Almighty. He agreed, and would begin the process of searching for new work, but inevitably, chose to stay in his current job. He soon found himself feeling very distanced from his wife and children.

The Qur’an on Clouds: Amazing!

The Qur’an on Clouds: Amazing!


Meteorologists have only recently come to know these details of cloud formation, structure, and function by using advanced equipment like planes, satellites, computers, balloons, and other equipment, to study wind and its direction, to measure humidity and its variations, and to determine the levels and variations of atmospheric pressure.

Sister Jasmine’s Journey to Islam

Sister Jasmine’s Journey to Islam


Before I converted to Islam, I knew basically what most of the other people know about Islam, which is the terrorists and that women are covered. And unfortunately there are some Muslims that are not practicing so they don’t represent Islam the way that they should. And so when they hang out with non-Muslims, they give the wrong impression of what Islam is about.

Combustion without Fire

Combustion without Fire


A bulb is a body which shines like a star and emits light, inside glass, and that is in full conformity with the description in the verse. Unlike oil lamps and gas lamps, light bulbs do not burn oil, and, in line with the description supplied in the verse, combustion without fire takes place inside it. As a result of the vibration among the atoms of the heat-resistant tungsten wire, the temperature inside the bulb rises to over 2,000 Centigrade.

The Kindness of Prophet Muhammad

The Kindness of Prophet Muhammad


He took a great interest in the welfare of all people and had great compassion for people in trouble. The Prophet Muhammad imitated the attributes of God par excellence and translated them into practice in the highest form possible for man. Kindness is an attribute of Allah, which has no limits. It is extensive and encompasses all things and all beings without discrimination.

Climate Change and Collective Salvation

Climate Change and Collective Salvation


Our quasi-democracy —rife as it is with voter suppression and mainstream media determination to trivialize the issues at stake —remains, nonetheless, the country’s primary means of manifesting public values. Inconvenient as it is to the powerful, this thing called voting is how collective humanity expresses its will —and I believe this will, to paraphrase Martin Luther King, bends toward sanity.

Conversion Story of Sinead O’Connor

Conversion Story of Sinead O’Connor


“Here is my 1st attempt at singing the Adhan,” she wrote. “I got some pronunciation wrong because emotions took me from my page… but there’ll be hundreds of others onstage to come”. In another tweet, she added: “Sorry re all the mistakes in my Azan…. 1st attempt. When I’ve practiced it 30 times I’m Gonna make the world stop turning”.

Give Advice with Sincerity and Kindness

Give Advice with Sincerity and Kindness


The one who invites others to Allah is from the closest people to Allah our Lord. In addition, Muslims collectively agree on the importance of propagating Islam and inviting people to Allah, and many talk about it being mandatory upon Muslims, and we agree with them, that it is an obligation,

Conversion Story of William Burchell Bashyr Pickard

Conversion Story of William Burchell Bashyr Pickard


Amid Christian surroundings I was taught the good life, and the thought of God and of worship and of righteousness was pleasant to me. If I worshipped anything, it was nobility and courage. Coming down from Cambridge, I went to Central Africa, having obtained an appointment in the administration of the Uganda Protectorate. There I had an interesting and exciting existence beyond what, from England, I had ever dreamt, and was compelled by circumstances,

The Amazing Legionary Ants

The Amazing Legionary Ants


Direct sunlight may kill the legionary ants in a short time. Therefore, they travel either at night or in the shade. Due to their sensitivity to light, they dig long tunnels while advancing. Most of the ants run in these tunnels without going outside. This does not decrease their speed, because they can dig the tunnels very fast with their strong mandibles. Thus, running is both fast and secret.

Self-Sacrifice in Animals

Self-Sacrifice in Animals


Living beings have to reproduce to continue their species. However, reproduction by itself often proves insufficient because, if living things fail to provide adequate care for their offspring, the newborn cannot survive. In other words, if living things did not feel the need to protect and look after their offspring and did not do this successfully, newborn creatures would not be able to look after themselves and would soon die.

Religion between ‘Blind’ Imitation and Certainty (P. 1/2)

Religion between ‘Blind’ Imitation and Certainty (P. 1/2)


The message of Islam challenges – using the power of persuasion and clarity of proof – those who adopt an inherited religiosity and follow the example of their parents and ancestors as far as their creed and devotions are concerned, just as they inherit their wealth and riches. It also challenges those who adopt religion due to being influenced by their surroundings, just as they adopt traditional norms and conventions.

Muslim Scholars of Medicine and Mathematics

Muslim Scholars of Medicine and Mathematics


Ibn Haytham’s writings reveal his fine development of the experimental faculty. His tables of corresponding angles of incidence and refraction of light passing from one medium to another show how closely he had approached discovering the law of constancy of ratio of sines, later attributed to Snell. He accounted correctly for twilight as due to atmospheric refraction

Fossilization and Iron Content

Fossilization and Iron Content


Iron is preserved undamaged in the body as it fossilized. Human beings need to consume an average of 10-15 milligrams a day in order to be healthy. Any excess iron consumed is stored in the liver. In addition, the protein transferrin in blood plasma also carries a certain amount of iron. The reference in the above verse to the presence of iron in the remains of the human body is exceedingly wise from that point of view.

Muslim Scientists as Building Blocks of Modern Science

Muslim Scientists as Building Blocks of Modern Science


When we read the history of Muslim contribution to world civilization, it seems very recent that Muslims were on top of the world. They were pioneers and leaders in all areas of human endeavor. They invented new branches of science and mathematics. They not only laid the foundation of modern knowledge, but propelled it to new heights. In particular, their contribution to the world of medicine is legendary.

Should We Live and Die with Dignity; Why?

Should We Live and Die with Dignity; Why?


Muslims and their countries are to be turned into the dumping grounds for such people’s cultural, intellectual, military and industrial leftovers, and in the worst-case scenario, outright waste. Muslims are to dominate the news for all the wrong reasons. The dark side of history is to be inscribed predominantly by Muslims and their societies.

The Ozone Layer at the Poles as the Sun Rises

The Ozone Layer at the Poles as the Sun Rises


The Arabic word “sitran” in verse 90 of Surat al-Kahf means “cover, shelter, curtain or screen.” The term “lam naj`al lahum min duniha sitran” describes an environment devoid of any shelter or protection against the Sun. In the light of present-day knowledge, this is suggestive of the ozone layer that protects living things against harmful solar rays.

‘The Second Age of Reason’ Balanced with Compassion!

‘The Second Age of Reason’ Balanced with Compassion!


Today Data management has become a big industry. However, the invasion of our brain space with cyber space is no small matter: our brain’s storage capacity is limited (roughly 100 billion neurons). For the sake of argument, say that is equivalent to one million giga-bytes of hard disc space. This type of information overload can wreak havoc on the brain.

If You Desire Kingship, We Will Offer You That! (A True Story)

If You Desire Kingship, We Will Offer You That! (A True Story)


One day some of the important men of Makkah gathered in the enclosure of Al-Ka`bah, and `Utbah ibn Rabi`ah, a chief among them, offered to approach the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and contract a bargain with him whereby they give him whatever worldly wealth he asks for, on condition that he keep silent and no longer proclaim his new faith. The people of Quraish endorsed his proposal and requested him to undertake that task.